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Conscious event and campaign designing, intentional marketing and building powerful brand awareness.

How Can We Help?

Event Design & Project Management

We create comprehensive event plans that are expertly managed along the way. Every detail will be thought of and attended to ensuring your event’s success and “Wow!” factor.

Marketing & Social Media Management

We will take care of all of the moving pieces it takes to cut through all of the noise out there and get to your people. Effectively managed and well thought out marketing plans and social media engagement strategies can make all of the difference in your brand’s long term success.

Community Building & Experience Management

We know how important gathering and serving your community is and how it can propel your brand. Savvy implementation of campaigns, strategy and tactics will cultivate brand loyalists and ambassadors for you.

How to Plan a Purpose-Driven Event

Your Mission Minded Worksheet

“Erin Rist is the most amazing brand director I have ever worked with-conscious and intentional with our brand every step of the way. She cared about every intricacy of our vision, but more than that, she will helped us make choices that supported our unique purpose, going beyond what we could do with “founder’s thinking.” Thanks to Erin, our first event attracted 400 people and was an incredible success. I don’t know many people who can say that of a first event. If you want an expert who can think beyond “event” to the larger meaning of your brand in the world, Erin is your girl and Gather is your new best friend.”

Ellen Melko Moore

Creator, Co-Founder of Bitch Slap of Truth

Notable Events


This annual celebration of the intersection of passion and purpose honors this organizations brand ambassadors who go above and beyond to champion the cause while also increasing mission-awareness and the value of advocacy.


This annual community-building, mission-awareness and fundraising event draws a crowd of more than 1,500 people each year. In one of its highest profit-making years, this event made just under $135,000 in profit toward the mission.

Real Life Book Club

Real Life Book Club is a community, and leadership program. The culture, meetings, and socials have impacted hundreds of women.


Ready To Chat About Your Next Event?

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